Be a model Stillwater resident: Keep your street gutter clean by sweeping it regularly on those dry days this spring, summer, and fall. Otherwise, all that dirt, sand, leaves, pine cones, grass clippings, and animal droppings will get washed into the nearby water body in the next storm.
Sign up at which is a metro-wide project. You will see a map to search for Stillwater and your street.
Select a nearby storm drain and commit to keeping it cleared off.
Want to do more?
Contact Sustainable Stillwater MN ( to get your adopted drain stenciled; you can even have your photo taken with your newly stenciled storm drain.
Want to get even more involved?
We have door hangers you can use to alert your neighbors about adopting a drain. If anyone volunteers, just ask SSMN ( to bring our storm drain stencil and paint to “mark” the occasion. It’s that easy to become an SSMN Adopt-a-Drain Captain!
Reminder: clogged storm drains will stop water from draining properly and will cause street flooding.
So far 168 storm drains in Stillwater have been adopted. But there are 3300 drains in Stillwater. Roughly half are in neighborhoods. We challenge our neighborhoods to do a little, to make a big difference.
Did you know...
that the north end of McKusick Lake is being dredged this year? That is the result of dirt and debris getting washed off the streets into the Lake. It is a costly procedure. The cleaner we keep our streets, the less we have to dredge out our water bodies. And the less debris, the more living space there is for our water-loving critters!
Be a model Stillwater resident by keeping your curb gutter swept clear of dirt, sand, grass clippings, pine cones, leaves, and pet droppings ... and sign up to adopt a storm drain!
Thanks for helping!
Sustainable Stillwater MN
Natural Resources Work Group