From The Evolution of Bicycles & Trails in Washington County
Check out this Online Historical Exhibit on Bicycles in Washing County.
Minnesotans love bicycles. Since 2001, we’ve had more biking trails than any other U.S. state. Washington County continues to be committed to growing the cycling community with over 75 miles of trails and plans for future trails in the works. To celebrate bicycling history, the opening of the new Stillwater bike and pedestrian bridge, and to highlight the County’s network of trails and paths, we are proud to present Spokes & Folks online. From basic transportation to recreation, from the late 19th century Big Wheel to the modern fat-tire bike, this exhibit highlights how bicycles have impacted our lives for more than 150 years.
The exhibit was curated by Megan Arney Johnston in 2019 for the Washington County Historic Courthouse and the content was transferred to an online format by Washington County Parks staff in 2020.
A special thanks to those without whom this exhibition would not have been possible, including Washington County, the Cycling Museum of Minnesota, Juston Anderson, Rydjor Bike Shop, Art Doyle's Spokes & Pedals, Brian Hirsch of Chilkoot Velo, Gateway Brown's Creek Trail Association, Washington County Historical Society, Gateway Cycle, and Surly Bikes.