This is Rick from Sustainable Stillwater MN. Those of you who are moms, dads, kids, and teachers probably remember our successful Bike to School Days as part of the Minnesota Safe Routes to School program for the last two years. At Lily Lake Elementary School we organized a bike rodeo, a bike giveaway of 18 bikes to youngsters, and lots more in 2018. Last year, Lily Lake had another event, and Rutherford had their first Bike to School Day.

This year, we want Lily Lake and Rutherford to participate again, and we are also asking Stillwater Middle School to have an event. Bike to School day in 2020 is May 6th. Sustainable Stillwater MN is in need of volunteers to help us interface with the schools and organize the events. I will be coordinating the overall effort and we are looking for 2 to 5 individuals who can work approximately 3-6 hours per week between now and May 6th to organize and support the event. This would entail contacting school principals, meeting with school BTS committees, and ordering and distributing BTS information to the schools. On Bike to School Day, it would entail attending the BTS event and helping coordinate the day's activities with the school committee. These events create healthy alternatives for children, promote safe bicycling around Stillwater, and are fun for kids. With your help and support, we can continue to grow this event in Stillwater and have more students experience the fun of biking to school on Bike to School Day. If you can help with this great event in Stillwater, join us for a meeting at 6 PM on Thursday, March 19th at the Stillwater Public Library to discuss. Thanks! Rick Heidick, Ph: 651-274-6351, Email: Minnesota Safe Routes to School website: