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Pillar Captain:

Roger Tomten

Drives clean energy adoption and climate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The Energy Pillar is dedicated to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by promoting clean energy solutions and energy efficiency throughout Stillwater. This pillar emphasizes community engagement in climate action through education, advocacy, and collaboration. By advancing renewable energy initiatives and supporting sustainable policies, the Energy Pillar is leading the way toward a more resilient and sustainable future for our community.

Pillar Goals:

Our goal is to influence policy changes and provide resources to help the community reduce carbon emissions while actively preparing for climate impacts. We aim to create an energy-efficient, sustainable community through collective action and smart planning.

Cimate Action

This program drives initiatives to lower community-wide carbon emissions and helps prepare the Stillwater area for the impacts of climate change. By combining community engagement, clean energy solutions, and efficient policies, the program seeks to move the city closer to its climate goals.


Bright Action App

The Bright Action App Project provides an easy-to-use platform that allows residents to track their energy use and carbon emissions, offering insights and tips for reducing their environmental impact.

Emission Reduction

This project works to identify and implement strategies for reducing the carbon footprint of Stillwater, targeting both direct and indirect sources of greenhouse gas emissions.

Solar Farms Subscriptions

The Solar Farms Subscriptions Project enables community members to subscribe to solar farms, allowing them to access solar energy without the need for individual installations.

City Zoning

This project focuses on advocating for zoning policies that prioritize sustainable, walkable, and bikeable communities, reducing dependence on automobiles and lowering emissions.

Energy Action Team

The Energy Action Committee engages community members in energy conservation initiatives, helping them reduce their energy consumption through education and advocacy.

Solar at Wastewater

The Solar at Wastewater Project focuses on installing solar energy systems at municipal facilities, starting with the wastewater treatment plant. This initiative not only helps reduce carbon emissions but also sets an example for the community.

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