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Happy 3rd Birthday to us!

We had a great celebration on Friday, April 22nd at the Lakeview Hospital. Many of you stopped in to say hello and grab some cake. Thank you!

We are so proud of all our dedicated volunteers that have helped grow our organization.


Sustainable Stillwater MN actually began as “Transition Stillwater” with a local group of Stillwater High School students in May of 2013 in a community-wide visioning session at the Stillwater Library. Tom McCarty was the Stillwater City Administrator at the time and was supportive of the efforts. Earliest initiatives were around bicycle friendly efforts, reducing speed, business sustainability, and improving our natural resources. Some of the early adopters were:

Louise Watson

Kristen Klemestrud

Sean Gosiewski

Kevin Ritchey

Ola Schmelig

Kelly Dalton

Rick Heidick

Roger Tomten

Jim Connors

John Siekmeier

In March of 2019, Sustainable Stillwater MN became an official 501.c.3 Federally registered nonprofit organization. It held a Launch Party on June 9 to celebrate and launch Stillwater into more sustainable practices with local initiatives. All of the work has been done by volunteers.

A BIG THANK YOU to the Lakeview Hospital for meeting space, Bread Art in Bayport, MN for the delicious and beautiful carrot cake, and Compost It All for supplying the plates, cups, and forks!

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