At Sustainable Stillwater MN (SSMN), we’ve embarked on a transformative journey to refine how we operate, ensuring our work resonates deeply with our mission and maximizes our impact. As a relatively young nonprofit, we are constantly learning, adapting, and striving to align our efforts with the values we bring to the community. These values form the foundation of our organization and drive us toward creating a healthier, more resilient future for Stillwater and beyond.

Introducing the House of Sustainability
To better illustrate our organizational structure and its purpose, we’ve introduced what we call the House of Sustainability. This structure not only reflects how our organization operates but also highlights the interconnectedness of our efforts:
Impact Goals: At the very top, the roof represents our overarching Impact Goals:
Healthy & Connected Community: Fostering well-being through collaboration and active engagement.
Resource & Environmental Stewardship: Protecting and sustaining local natural resources through proactive environmental practices.
Local Economic Vitality: Strengthening the economy by supporting sustainable businesses and green initiatives.
Pillars: Standing tall as the structural support of our House, the Pillars represent our core areas of focus and impact. Our Pillars were once known as "work areas".
Programs: These form the base platform of the House and provide a descriptive framework for our core areas of work. Our current Programs include:
Alternative Transportation
Green Business
Environmental Incubator
Climate Action
Projects: The next step in the House, Projects are the actionable initiatives we undertake to create our desired impact. These were once known as "workgroups". Projects are housed within specific Programs, ensuring every project contributes to our broader goals. Examples are:
Bird City Stillwater
Green Business Directory
Emission Reduction Team
Bicycle Friendly Community (BFC) Complete Streets
The Resilience Coalition: Lastly, forming the foundational step of the House, the Resilience Coalition represents how we engage with the public. It encompasses various groups that drive our outreach and alignment efforts:
Youth Engagement: We empower the next generation through curricular and extracurricular initiatives.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): We work towards a more inclusive culture that lifts up the diverse voices in our community.
Events & Outreach: We create opportunities to engage with the community to connect, motivate, organize, and learn together.
Organizational Alignment: We identify organizations with tools, resources, and knowledge that have proven sustainability success.
Marketing Communications: We craft compelling sustainability messaging tailored for the diverse sectors of our community.
Why Restructure?
This new framework allows us to clearly define the roles and relationships within our organization. By renaming and reorganizing our elements, we’re creating a more intuitive and cohesive structure that ensures our community and stakeholders can easily understand and engage with our work.
The Power of Alignment
Through the House of Sustainability, SSMN integrates mitigation and adaptation strategies to address climate change impacts while working to preserve the environment for future generations. By aligning our Projects and Programs with our Pillars, we are laying the groundwork for a more sustainable, resilient, and vibrant Stillwater community.
Looking Ahead
As we step into this new era of SSMN, we remain committed to refining and improving how we operate to achieve our mission. We believe that this restructuring will enhance our ability to connect with the community, inspire meaningful action, and create lasting impact. Together, we’re building not just a sustainable Stillwater, but a brighter future for all.