The dramatic decline of bird species in North America is disheartening — the Audubon Society says extinction for 389 species could be just decades away. These aren’t all exotic species, many are backyard favorites like the American Robin.
Sustainable Stillwater MN is launching a commitment to restore bird habitat, plant more trees, and engage our community in preservation, restoration, and education under the guidelines of the Audubon Society. If their conditions are met, Audubon will designate Stillwater as an official “Bird City.” But first the city needs to pass a resolution to become a Bird City. SSMN is hoping to see that done in November.
This will bring us environmental improvement, economic benefits, civic pride, good PR, increased community engagement — and of course, the creation of bird sanctuaries here in Stillwater. The first Bird City public event is being planned for International Migratory Bird Day - May 16, 2020, a celebration of our feathered friends, educational exhibits, and opportunities to volunteer. If you are good with kids, we especially want to hear from you as we ramp up our planning! Contact Sheila at