Vice-chair Rick Heidick presented our resolution on January 19, 2021, at the Stillwater City Council Meeting on Zoom

We need streets that work for everyone -- not just cars and trucks. At the January 19, 2021, City Council meeting, SSMN Vice Chair Rick Heidick asked the Council to adopt a Complete Street Resolution for new road construction and maintenance that takes into account all methods of transportation: cars and trucks, plus transit users, pedestrians, and bicyclists. When planning future projects, Stillwater needs to consider people bicycling and pedestrians of all ages, types, and abilities. They are the most at risk for serious injury or death when involved in motor-vehicle related collisions. Qualify of life, environmental health, and economic competitiveness are other benefits of Complete Streets enjoyed by 15 other Minnesota cities with the policies, Rick explained.
The councilors seemed interested in the guidelines. They “fit right in” with what the city is already doing, according to Mayor Ted Kozlowski. Currently, Stillwater is at Step 2 of the 5-step GreenStep Cities criteria but it must formally adopt a formal Complete Streets policy to move up the sustainability ladder. A Complete Streets policy is also critical to making Stillwater a Bike-Friendly City.
Planning Director Bill Turnblad said his department hasn't reviewed the resolution (see below) but he thought Complete Streets is consistent with resolutions the city has already made. The Mayor said the resolution might have "too much overlap" with existing city plans and ordinances but he requested relevant city department heads to review the resolution as proposed by Sustainable Stillwater MN.
City Councilor Mike Polhena thanked Rick for making the presentation, adding he "appreciates the "brainpower" Sustainable Stillwater MN is employing for the city.

Complete Streets Resolution
This is the text of a resolution we wrote and presented on January 19 at the Stillwater City Council Meeting
Whereas, the City of Stillwater strives to be the most livable city in Minnesota, and
Whereas, the City of Stillwater recognizes that livability includes safely moving people and goods along all public rights-of-way; and
Whereas, the City of Stillwater recognizes that children and seniors are especially vulnerable to pedestrian and bicycling crashes; and
Whereas, the City of Stillwater recognizes that Complete Streets are designed and constructed for all users of all ages and abilities, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and vehicles; and
Whereas, the City of Stillwater recognizes that Complete Streets enhance business opportunities by encouraging customer traffic, strengthening communities, and creating safe access to destinations; and
Whereas, the City of Stillwater recognizes that Complete Streets increase public health by encouraging exercise and providing convenient walking and bicycling options; and
Whereas, the City of Stillwater Comprehensive Plan supports Complete Streets by prioritizing sidewalk improvements, on-street bicycle route improvements, and safer connections between pedestrian and bicycle networks; and
Whereas, the Stillwater Department of Public Works is guided by Complete Streets and supports greater implementation; and
Whereas, the City of Stillwater is participating in the Minnesota GreenStep Cities Program, which provides cost-effective best practices for transportation options that improve air quality and reduce Stillwater’s contribution to climate change; and
Whereas, the Minnesota Legislature has enacted a Complete Streets statute, which encourages cities to adopt Complete Streets policies that reflect local goals;
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Stillwater City Council adopts a Complete Streets policy to be implemented by the Department of Public Works and adhered to during ongoing construction of new streets and the maintenance of existing streets; and
Be it further resolved that the Council intends for Complete Streets to be achieved throughout the City of Stillwater project-by-project, consistently drawing on all possible funding sources; and
Be it further resolved that the Department of Public Works, in collaboration with the Department of Planning and Development, develop implementation guidelines for each category of Stillwater’s streets including residential, parkway, commercial, and arterial. Finally, these guidelines shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission and be presented for consideration by the Council by January 1, 2022.

Lakeview Hospital/Stillwater Medical Group Endorses Complete Streets
Here is the text of a letter from Lakeview Hospital in support of our Complete Streets Resolution.
Complete Streets is an approach that requires streets to be planned, designed, operated, and maintained to enable safe, convenient, and comfortable travel and access for users of all ages and abilities regardless of their mode of transportation. Complete Streets allow for safe travel by those walking, cycling, driving automobiles, riding public transportation, or delivering goods.
Complete Streets emphasize the importance of safe access for all users, not just automobiles.
Complete Streets also makes communities more attractive, provides more transportation choices, allows local economies to thrive, has positive effect on the environment, lowers transportation costs, and improves social interaction.
At Lakeview Hospital and Stillwater Medical Group:
- There is a very big need for safety. There are way too many close calls of hospital and clinic staff and patients almost getting run over by vehicles. People drive way too fast and are very distracted.
- We are a sustainable organization and are always looking at ways to have positive effects on the environment and improve people’s health and well-being.
- Complete Streets is a great avenue to make our local businesses and community grow and thrive. We are a large part of the community and are willing to support Complete Streets and other sustainability needs.
Thank you,
Eric Siskow
Facilities Director
Lakeview Hospital
927 Churchill St W.
Stillwater, Minnesota 55082