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Why is GreenSteps Such a Big Deal?

You read a lot about GreenStep Cities (GSC) here in our newsletter.

GreenStep Cities is a unique Minnesota program that lists 29 Best Practices for sustainable cities. As of 2020, 141 cities in Minnesota officially qualified as climbing the green staircase. Stillwater is one of them -- we are hoping to reach Level 3 of 5 by the end of 2021. An ambitious goal, by the way, because each level requires more Best Practice actions. Sustainable Stillwater MN created a GreenStep Cities Work Group because the city can't do it all alone. Our volunteers do research and leg work to help out our busy city staff.

The GSC Workgroup right now is helping the city establish a Complete Streets Policy -- but that's not all. We are helping the city accomplish "Green Tourism" through the introduction of the Green Business Directory We have cheered on efforts to save energy at City Hall with technology changes and lighting retrofits. (The redesign of the Recreation Center was a major energy conservation endeavor.) We are currently working with Stillwater Sunrise Rotary and city staff to write grants for at least two electric vehicle charging stations downtown by late summer. Then there is the Bike-Friendly City designation we're fighting for in Stillwater. Linda Countryman is the team leader for our GreenStep Workgroup.

Thank You!

Thank you to the ongoing efforts of City Zoning Director Graham Tait who faithfully attends our monthly GreenStep meetings and serves as a liaison between the city and Sustainable Stillwater MN. His tireless advocacy is a great asset to our community and we thank him for his service.

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